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Why language skills are great for business

Wolfestone was featured in an article by The Guardian, which explored the business benefits of speaking foreign languages.
bc6c50e5-8b41-4c48-b205-f8fac2d3445c-620x372 (1)Wolfestone was featured in an article by The Guardian, which explored the business benefits of learning languages. Communicating with clients overseas can be very beneficial. Baroness Coussins, chair of the all-party parliamentary group on modern languages (APPG) says “The UK economy is already losing around £50bn a year in lost contracts because of lack of language skills in the workforce, and we aren’t just talking about high flyers: in 2011 over 27% of admin and clerical jobs went unfilled because of the languages deficit.” Wolfestone encourages staff to practice with one another. Certain project managers have to speak with clients in their second language. Read the full article.

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