May 22nd will see the GO Wales 10 Year Anniversary Awards at Sketty Hall in Swansea.
Since the project started 10 years ago, GO Wales; a project funded by the Welsh Government and European Social Fund, has been the link between employment and personal development for thousands of graduates in Wales looking for their big break in the world of work.
To celebrate, GO Wales is organising the awards in conjunction with South Wales Chamber of Commerce, with a series of key note speakers, including Anna Bastek from Wolfestone and Christina Rankin-Moore from the Wales Air Ambulance.
Anna Bastek, a former GO Wales scheme participant, has since gone on to build a multi-million pound business which now employs over 30 staff. Over the last six years Wolfestone has offered 18 GO Wales work placements and employed 17 GO Wales graduates, 10 of whom are still with the company.
As a supporter of the scheme, Anna Bastek didn’t hesitate to confirm her participation.
“The GO Wales scheme is excellent for both graduates and employers. It gives young people an opportunity to get some commercial experience, helps to choose a career path and it's a brilliant opportunity to prove yourself to a potential employer and get a job or good reference at the end.“
“For employers it's an inexpensive and low risk employment strategy as they have the ability to test the attitude and work ethics of a potential employee, take advantage of the cash support for staff training and reduce recruitment costs.“
“GO Wales helped to give me a kick start in my own career and get commercial experience in my profession; and a job at the end. A lot of my friends in England had to go to work in factories as there was no similar paid scheme available to get commercial experience. GO Wales has helped a lot of companies hire some of the best up-and-coming talent in Wales and continues to improve the futures of local graduates.”
Anna will be speaking about her experiences of the GO Wales at the awards, and will give some useful tips for employers who are looking to take advantage of the scheme.
Entries for the awards are now open, with categories for Best Employer, Outstanding Personal Achievement and a Judges’ Prize. Businesses across Wales with experience of the GO Wales project are being urged to enter and support the awards ceremony which rounds off 10 years of the scheme.