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GO Wales placement scheme comes to a halt

Wolfestone was featured this week in a article by Insider Magazine. Wolfestone was one of the many companies that benefited from GO Wales for finding graduates who wanted to gain invaluable work experience.
gowales Wolfestone was featured this week in a article by Insider Magazine. Wolfestone was one of the many companies that benefited from GO Wales for finding graduates who wanted to gain invaluable work experience. The graduate scheme is to close soon. On the bright side, officials are working on a potential successor for the project, which has provided staff for more than 2,400 employers across Wales in 11 years. Graduates typically worked on placements for between six and 10 weeks and were paid at least £250 per week. The most popular placement types for GO Wales places have been marketing, PR and sales, IT, administration and media. Read the full article

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