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Students Show the Power of Presentation

An educational project which saw local professionals conduct Mock Interviews for Year 11 students at Bishopston Comprehensive has been hailed as a ‘Very worthwhile and successful event’ by Gareth Price from Careers Wales.
Emma-Hughes_41An educational project which saw local professionals conduct Mock Interviews for Year 11 students at Bishopston Comprehensive has been hailed as a ‘Very worthwhile and successful event’ by Gareth Price from Careers Wales. Students worked hard to prepare for the two day event where local professionals from companies and organisations such as Tata Steel, Nat West, Wolfestone Translation and ASDA attended Bishopston Comprehensive to carry out mock interviews and give constructive feedback to students. The impact analysis carried out confirmed that 94% of students said the experience had improved their confidence, 96% understood more about the skills and qualities employers are looking for and 88% have developed a career plan as a result of their feedback. Wolfestone, a multi-award winning language translations provider which employs around 30 people living in and around the Swansea area, was impressed by the pupils’ enthusiasm and potential. HR Manager at Wolfestone Translation Emma Hughes said: “The students that came to the mock interviews were well prepared and more open to feedback than any of us expected. Wolfestone was already aware of the quality of students in Wales as we are partnered with local universities and run a highly popular internship scheme. But the interview sessions really do suggest that the future is bright. We look forward to expanding our already fast-growing company with the help of the next generation of young Welsh talent.” Despite a tough job market, the co-operation between local businesses and local schools show the future can be bright for today’s young people, with a collaborative approach.

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