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Wolfestone helping the local community

Wolfestone Translation is teaming up with Careers Wales West to help the future generations prepare for the world of work.
emma interviewing_2Wolfestone Translation is teaming up with Careers Wales West to help the future generations prepare for the world of work. Wolfestone Translation helping the local community. Careers Wales West supports those still in school, further and higher education, seeking employment, employed, redundant, retraining or entering the world of work by providing a bilingual, all age advice and guidance service. As part of their work with local schools, Careers Wales West have approached Wolfestone Translation to participate in a number of work focused activities in order to prepare students for working life. As an already keen supporter of the work experience programme, Wolfestone jumped at the opportunity to invest more time into improving the career opportunities of today's younger generations. Among the many great activities set up by Careers Wales West, Wolfestone are particularly keen to get involved with the Mock Interview Programme, where students have mock interviews with local employers, in order to prepare them for university/college interviews. The company's Operations Manager, Emma Roome has volunteered to be an interviewer for the day at Penyrheol Comprehensive, her old School: "This is a great opportunity for Wolfestone to give back to the community that has greatly supported it during its four successful years in business, on a more personal note as someone who was brought up and schooled in Swansea, I am thrilled to be able to go back to my old School and give the pupils a helping hand with their future that I would have found invaluable during my time there." Over the coming year Wolfestone will be donating more staff days to helping the local community and getting involved in as many work focused activities as possible. Wolfestone Director Anna Bastek added: "It's very important to Wolfestone to help the local community and we try to get involved in many initiatives. We help universities, students, charities and rugby clubs, we also care about our staff and offer a lot of benefits that other SMEs don'. I am proud of our company ethics and that all of our staff members share the same values." In picture: Emma Roome interviewing students

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