Wolfestone, a leading language translation company offering translation services across all languages. Internships at Wolfestone Translation offer young people a range of invaluable experiences with their internship programme.
Internships can provide applicants with life experience in an area that would otherwise be inaccessible to them. The leading language translation provider Wolfestone offers work experience internships in their busy commercial environment. During the internship, interns will learn all aspects of the translation industry, including translation, project management, marketing, accounts and finance. Each intern can then decide which area within the company to focus on during their placement period.
Wolfestone treat all of their interns as permanent members of staff, and will provide them with a reference so they can present an impressive CV to future employers. Also, if an intern makes a good impression during their placement, they may have the opportunity to become a permanent member of staff. Several interns have gone on to work for Wolfestone on a full time permanent basis. Wolfestone can also provide interns with low cost accommodation in a five-bedroom house closely located to the Wolfestone offices.
Wolfestone Director, Anna Bastek commented:
"As we have strong connections with universities such as Potsdam and Venice, we are happy to offer their students an internship in one of our busy departments. We are a young, dynamic, professional translation company and believe interns' enthusiasm and willingness to learn fits in perfectly with our company's ethos. We believe our internships offer our interns a wonderful opportunity, as it can help them identify and build on their talents which they can develop throughout their career."
The company have also cultivated links with Swansea and Cardiff Universities by getting involved with their Translation Masters programmes. Operations Manager, Emma Roome (a former student of both Universities) added "Wolfestone have made a pledge to support our local community and home grown talent and assisting in work experience modules to provide essential practical training is an excellent way of fulfilling this promise."
In picture: Anna Bastek and Emma Roome carrying out an induction