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Royal Pharmaceutical Society Case Study

Royal Pharmaceutical Society Wales were looking for a language service provider that could offer a quick and accurate translation service at an affordable price. They needed a translation provider based in Wales, who understood the nuances of the Welsh language and culture.

What did you require of us and what challenges did you face when considering translation and looking for language service providers?

As a GB wide organisation with a base and operation in Wales, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society needed regular access to a professional translation service to help us fulfil our objective of publishing information through the medium of Welsh as well as English. The key challenges we faced was finding a professional translation organisation based in Wales that we could build strong working relationships with and who would be able to respond quickly and accurately to our translation needs.

As a business, what were you looking for in your language services provider?

Quick turnaround, accuracy, style and affordability were our key requirements from our language service provider. We also wanted to find a service provider that was based in Wales to ensure local contact and insight into our Welsh translation needs.

Why did you decide to choose Wolfestone as your language partner? Why did we stand out against competitors?

Wolfestone stood out against competitors as a very professional outfit, offering the speed of delivery that we required and importantly the accuracy checks needed to deliver translations consistently to a high standard. The pricing structure for Wolfestone translation services was also very competitive and the options to achieve savings on an economies of scale basis was very appealing.

What benefits have you experienced since using our language services?

The quality of the translation work and the speed of turn around to meet our business needs has been outstanding. The regular contact from Wolfestone to check customer satisfaction has been very much appreciated and has provided us with an excellent customer experience. Offers of preferential discounts has added to our experience, providing excellent incentives to stay with Wolfestone as a customer.

What was working with Wolfestone like? Do you have any translation experiences to compare it to?

Working with Wolfestone has been an excellent experience. As an organisation with translation needs we feel in safe hands and fully assured that Wolfestone will be able to meet our needs. The customer service has been excellent and highly responsive. Our communication with Wolfestone is always met with a professional, efficient and friendly response. As a result of the level and quality of service, we are very happy to sustain our working relationship with Wolfestone and have no plans to explore the use of any alternative language service providers.

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