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British Transport Police Case Study

British Transport Police were looking for a translation company that could be relied upon to deliver a professional translation service whilst working to tight deadlines. Wolfestone offered a streamlined translation service whilst delivering an expert level of Welsh translation.

In our interview with our client, British Transport Police, they told us that Wolfestone’s customer service was “flawless” and “super efficient.” We helped to streamline their Welsh offering, meaning they can now visibly promote usage of the Welsh language – something that is crucial for their stakeholders.

What did British Transport Police require and what challenges did you face when considering translation and looking for language service providers?

We needed someone reliable, experienced and ‘real experts’ in Welsh language due to us having to conform to legislation in publishing documents in Welsh.

As a business, what were you looking for in your language services provider?

Expertise, knowledge and professionalism. We also needed a provider that could work to tight turnaround times.

Why did you decide to choose Wolfestone as your language partner? Why did we stand out against competitors?

The customer service, from initial contact to officially engaging with Wolfestone as a supplier, has been flawless. Our account managers are super-efficient in what they do in turning around quotations and the translation work.

What were the success from the translation? Have there been any changes in your demographic or statistics?

The main success is that our Welsh colleagues and stakeholders see we are proactive in promoting the Welsh language and it’s something they wish to promote.

What benefits have you experienced since using our language services?

The Welsh element of our work and what we do has become more streamlined. Welsh language and translation is something now that is factored into our project timelines when required.

What was working with Wolfestone like? Do you have any translation experiences to compare it to?

Working with Wolfestone is always a pleasure. The service provided was incredibly professional. We’re often pressured with turnaround times and Wolfestone always deliver. I’d like to specifically mention our account managers Charlotte and Jessica as they are so lovely easy to deal with. They also give great advice if we have specific questions in regards to translation.

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